
If you do not need your table for the quiz, please let us know by calling The Bar on 01268 515397. 
Failure to cancel will result in you losing your table as it is unfair to residents waiting to join.
Many thanks 
The Sandy Bay Bar 
12:57, 07 Feb 2025 by Graeme Cordell


Sadly there seems to be a huge escalation of folks NOT picking up their dog waste.  Can we please all be kinder to each other and others properties, and NOT allow your dogs to leave their waste on others driveways/grass.  Please do pick up after your dogs.   This is causing people a lot of upset and it is totally unnecessary.
Thank you for this.
Kind Regards
Sandy Bay Park RA
11:21, 03 Feb 2025 by Graeme Cordell
We have had a number of complaints about residents cutting through, (without permission ) other residents driveways.   For some people this is causing upset and stress.   Can we all be mindful of others feelings and stop cutting through.
Kind Regards
Tracey Wakeling - Secretary
Sandy Bay Park RA
11:05, 27 Jan 2025 by Graeme Cordell

The Honesty Box has some very nice items in there, pop along and have a look,  if you see something you fancy, help yourself and pop into the box what you think is a fair price to pay.  ALL proceeds go to this years charity. 

Kind Regards,

Tracey Wakeling - Secretary
Sandy Bay Park RA
10:55, 27 Jan 2025 by Graeme Cordell

Please do not forget that now is the time to choose our charity for 2025.  There is a nomination box at the end of the bar, slips of paper and a pen.  The nominations will close on the last day of February so still time.  Remember its a local charity that you would like to see benefit from our fund raising. 

Kind Regards,

Tracey Wakeling - Secretary
Sandy Bay Park RA
10:49, 27 Jan 2025 by Graeme Cordell

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