- Racist, sexist, homophobic or offensive comments/words and any offensive material (pictures, audio and video, etc) posted on the SBPRA website that can cause upset to common decency or residents and users are not permitted under any circumstances.
- The SBPRA Committee will refuse publication of, or remove any such postings immediately they are reported to the committee.
- The decision of the committee regarding what can be published on, or requires to be deleted from the website is solely the reponsibility of the committee.
- The decision of the committee on all matters regarding publication/deletion of postings of any description is final.
All residents and users of the Sandy Bay Park Residents Association website do so on the understanding that they must comply with the above rules. Any non-compliance could lead to suspension from the SBPRA website.
To report any issues or to make a complaint about any content on the SBPRA website, please email the committee with details at: sandybayparkra@gmail.com
IMPORTANT: When clicking on any link that that results in you leaving the SBPRA website and entering another website(s), the SBPRA and the SBPRA Committee members are not responsible for the security and content of any other website(s), all other sites are entered at your own risk.