Street Champions

Street Champions support both the Residents Association and the members by doing the following:

  • Becoming a familiar and trusted person to those in their road, and surrounding roads if required.
  • Making themselves available to listen to neighbours and help advise and support them should they have an issue relating to Sandy Bay. This may include signposting them to an appropriate resource or, if necessary, relaying the issue on the Resident’s Association Committee.

If becoming a Street Champion is something you may be interested in, please send an email to the Residents Association.

Our Sandy Bay Street Champions are:



  Bayside   Jim Price
  Willowside   David Atlee
  Elmside   Rosie Beckford-Webb
  Oakside   Margaret Goodchild
  Reedside   Trevor Hall
  Seaway Drive   Graham Larke
  Pebble Road   Nora Holman
  Wave Road   Nora Holman
  Brook Road   Opal Edwards
  Rivers Edge   Trevor Hall
  Lake Road   Trevor Hall
  Tree Side Way   Trevor Hall
  Waters Edge   Opal Edwards
  Beach Walk   Kaz Duffield
  Sand Banks   Danny Kennedy
  Bay Beach   Danny Kennedy
  Jack King Drive   Julie Crudgington
  Clearwater   Belle Robinson
  Seafarer Drive   Emmett Larner
  Coastal Drive   Dave Phillips
  Shore Drive   Tracey Wakeling
  Coral Drive   John Wallington