Sandy Bay Bin Collection Update

Rubbish Truck
The Residents Association is very pleased to announce that the collection of our rubbish will continue to be collected from our homes!  There will NOT be bin stores located close to our homes, the rubbish will be taken to a central point away from the park.
The collections will continue to be on a Monday and a Friday (unless there is a Bank Holiday, when the days will change as before).
Please have your bags out before 8am but NOT the night before, unless you have a secure bin to put the bags in.
This is the result of a collective response from the residents of Sandy Bay, sending individual letters, standard letters, emails and a Petition.  And of course the RA committee in raising this issue each and every week. 
This is what we can achieve when we all work together and shows again the benefits of having a Residents Association that is proactive and strong.
We would also like to thank Lee Grey and Gemma Pier for their continued support in taking this issue to its very welcome result.
Unity is our strength!
We are in the midst of updating the data base of new residents, new email addresses, so please bear with us, as some folks may not receive this, tell your friends and your neighbours please.
16:03, 31 Jul 2024 by Graeme Cordell