Emergency Helpline

2024_02_22 _ Emergency Helpline

We hope this finds you well.

On Wednesday the 28th Feb we shall have a representative  from TedAlert in the bar from 10.30am



TedAlert are a safety /security company that specialises in providing a push button health emergency backup service which operates on GPS going straight through to their call out centre, they  will then contact ambulance and some other emergency services on your behalf.  This operates both in the UK and Europe. 


If this is of interest to you, or your families please do come along when no doubt more information will be shared and the details of the scheme given


Margaret and Ferghal have already signed up and if you need to contact them, then please do so at 8 Oakside




Kind Regards
Tracey Wakeling - Secretary
Sandy Bay Park RA -
11:22, 22 Feb 2024 by Admin Two