Sandy Bay Clubs

Clubs icons pic

This week marks the anniversary of the start of many of the Sandy Bay clubs that have been organised by our residents.  

One year ago residents were enjoying the events organised by the Sandy Bay bar and pool teams - Coffee morning, Bingo, Quiz nights, the ad hoc Music events, and the water aerobics during the summer months when the pool is open.  On top of this some residents had already organised clubs such as Golf and Walking group which were proving successful.  After a push from the residents association following the 2022 AGM, 2023 saw us kick off many more clubs with the intention of having something for everyone.  Naturally people will have different hobbies and interests, but it has been great to see the attendance grow and grow, and all of the clubs being successful.

- Darts night proved so successful that it had to split into Gents Darts (Monday evening) and Ladies Darts (Wednesday evening) to ensure everyone could get a game!

- Chess club began with just 2 residents having a game, but reached around 15 players at its peak.  We currently have a regular 8-10 players battling it out on Tuesday evenings. 

- Board games afternoons on Wednesdays has gone from strength to strength and has recently incorporated Card games as well.

- The basic computer skills course was well attended but unfortunately had to be suspended due to the ill health of the organiser.  

- The cycling club has proven to be very popular and now sees residents cycling around the park on both Wednesday and Friday mornings - take a look at the videos on the video library.

- Keep Fit classes are run by our resident Rosemary on Tuesday mornings in the Concord Rangers Hall.

- The popular 'Killer' Darts afternoon on Thursdays started with just a handful of residents having a game of darts, and over the course of the year has grown to become one of the most successful events, reaching around 50 people on the most popular week.

- Already with a small group of enthusiasts, our most recent club is the camera club, meeting every fortnight on a Tuesday for anyone wishing to get more from their cameras and improve their photography skills.

The success of many of these clubs is down to the residents themselves, so a big thank you to the organisers, but most importantly the residents who attend - the clubs wouldn't exist without your participation.

We hope to make more clubs available for the benefit of all residents.  Cards club was suggested previously but we have not found anyone to organise it - please contact the residents association if you're interested.  A discussion group has also been suggested and just needs somebody to organise it.  And the suggestion of Table Tennis is proving to be a popular one... so watch this space! 

For a full list of the clubs available please visit the Clubs page - click on those you're interested in to learn more.  We hope to see a lot more residents joining in during 2024.



11:01, 02 Jan 2024 by Graeme Cordell