Good afternoon residents,
I hope you are all looking forward to the weekend and just want to say a quick thanks for all the positive feedback we have received regarding the new footpath that has been installed.
We are aware that there has been an issue with the drive thru gate on Sandy Bay this week, this was resolved but now it seems the gates are faulty again. An engineer has been called back and should be here again tomorrow.
A reminder to all residents to please keep noise from cars to a minimum, we have had reports of engines being left running for long periods of time late at night, and not to drive through other residents’ driveways.
We have the NHS mobile wellness van on site 3rd April that will be carrying out general wellness checks for our residents, no appointment will be necessary. We have 2 further dates booked this year but will let you know nearer the time.
Thanks for your continued co-operation.
Have a lovely evening.