Our Sandy Bay Coach Trips have returned thanks to our organiser Andy Lee.
The 1st trips being organised will be as follows
- Romford Dogs - Now also open to friends and family of residents
Thursday 23rd March, coach will depart Sandy bay at 11.30am & the cost will be £25 per person which includes your coach journey, meal & Tote Card. Tickets will be on sale Wednesday 15th February in the Bar between 10am - 11am & will be none refundable. Tickets will be on a 1st come basis.
If this time doesn't work for you, please contact Linda Lambert on 07791 911968 to arrange another time to collect your tickets.
- London Theatre Trip - Michael Ball in Aspects of Love @ The Lyric Theatre
Monday 22nd May (time to be advised). There are 40 Front Stall seat tickets available and the agent needs confirmation and payment no later than Noon this Wednesday 1st Feb. If you are definitely interested, please email the residents association as soon as possible so a headcount etc can be completed. We will then advise further regarding payment & timings.
Please watch this space for further details & updates.
15:20, 30 Jan 2023
by Graeme Cordell