To All Residents of Sandy Bay
We hope that this email finds all residents safe & well, and that you are all currently enjoying the glorious weather we are experiencing on Sandy Bay!
Following various recent complaints from residents we would like to remind all residents of some of the rules on Sandy Bay.
Dog Walkers
Please ensure that all dogs are kept on a lead, and that all dog mess is picked up and disposed of in one of the many dog bins situated around Sandy Bay. Please also refrain from allowing dogs to mess on artificial grass or areas belonging to other residents. We would also ask that should dogs be excessively barking that owners please calm dogs or bring them inside the home as soon as possible.
Cutting through private property
We would also like to remind residents that residents or visitors to Sandy Bay are not permitted to cut through, either on foot or by car the driveways belonging to other residents as this is private property.
Ball Games
Whilst we love to see many of our residents receiving visits from friends and family we would also like to remind all residents that there are strictly no ball games allowed within close proximity to other residents homes.
Many Thanks
Sandy Bay Management