Sandy Bay Park Residents Association & RoyaleLife Status - Next Scheduled Meeting

Dear Residents,

Confirmation that the next meeting with RoyaleLife Management was rescheduled to 06/07/2022 at the request of the SBPRA Committee.

Our Chairman, Andrew Gentry, has been in dialogue with RoyaleLife for the last few weeks discussing several of our key issues building up to the next meeting.

It is important to note that the Committee have also been reviewing options if the meeting outcome is not favourable. As part of this work, a review of available information regarding our situation has recently been conducted by an external organisation.

We will notify all residents by 08/07/2022 of the meeting outcomes and provide full details of the discussions with RoyaleLife and any subsequent actions.

As mentioned in previous bulletins from the SBPRA, the Committee is fully aware of the frustrations that have built up over the time since the first residents moved onto Sandy Bay. It seems like that one Wall of Silence has been replaced by another, however, Royal Life have taken on a huge task in purchasing Sandy Bay and incorporating it into their company. Initial residents’ impressions have not been favourable; however, the Committee believes it is important to try and maintain a good working relationship with RoyaleLife Management.

It is tempting to do so, however please do not complain directly to RoyaleLife about the current situation, please let all communication to RoyaleLife emanate from the Committee. 

Please avoid direct contact with the Sales Staff regarding complaints, all complaints should be directed to the Sandy Bay Management office and marked for the attention of Katie Broad. We have been advised that complaints are then forward to RoyaleLife Management.

The Committee is expecting answers to the many questions that we posed to RoyaleLife at the first meeting on 26/04/2022, as mentioned previously all residents will be made aware of the situation. Post 08/07/2022 it may require the Committee and residents to make some important decisions. This could be a test of the resilience of the Residents Association and evidence that we are all capable of working together rather than as individuals.


Kelvin Dimond

SBPRA Committee Member - Website Admin

12:56, 24 Jun 2022 by Kelvin Dimond