Update from SBPRA Chairman: Andrew Gentry
Dear Residents,
Members of the Resident Association Committee (RAC) met with RoyaleLife (RL) on 24th May 2022. We were expecting to receive responses to the questions raised at the previous meeting (26th April 2022), however, RL’s Project Director was called away at another meeting and left a limited briefing with 2 of the office managers to relay to us.
We were advised that we would receive a full response to our questions by 25th May or soon thereafter. Unfortunately, we are still waiting.
The following matters were discussed:
1) Decking
RL are now reviewing all decking matters with their own legal team, including the previous legal dispute between PVS decking and the previous owners. RL will keep RAC advised of any developments.
2) Leisure and other facilities
RL advised the acquisition of Sandy Bay has been large and complex with many matters to deal with. RL are reviewing the previous proposals and will respond further.
3) Health and Safety
RL have carried out a health and safety audit of the park and are currently reviewing changes that need to be made. RL will provide a description of the changes and the timeline for completion of the changes.
4) Pitch fees
RL advised that pitch fees only included for the immediate ground on which the homes are based. RAC commented that this was not as advised at the point of sale and included landscape, security, rubbish collection and use of the new leisure facilities. RAC agreed to forward documentary evidence to RL.
5) Security
RAC commented that current security cover was sporadic with both gates at times being left with no security personal and the gate to the park sometimes left open. RL agreed to review and respond further, noting that RL intended to make alterations to the park security.
6) Home Maintenance
RL advised residents are permitted to have works carried out on their homes by independent contractors. This includes window and decking cleaning. RL advised that no park homeowner is permitted to run a business from the park, in accordance with Owner’s Contracts, and this includes window and decking cleaning.
RL suggest that contractors are required to have suitable insurance, and this should be checked by homeowners.
RL will be terminating existing contracts for home cleaning as this is a service they no longer wish to provide.
7) Other Matters
- Return of front door keys – Most of the keys have been returned to homeowners with several exceptions where RL advised a key was not retained. RAC disputed this as the policy of the previous owners was to retain a key. RL would review the request for barrels to be replaced with new keys, although their current stance was that this is the responsibility of the homeowner.
- Swimming pool – RAC requested that the entrance to the side of the launderette be adjusted to allow entry and egress from the pool area so that residents did not have to go through the terrace area of the bar when it was busy.
RAC requested new sun beds as the existing are left over from the caravan park and that in any case they need updating.
RL agreed to review.
- Terrace seating – RAC requested new seating to the bar terrace area as the existing benches are not fit for purpose for the park residents. RL agreed to review.
- Gardeners – RL advised that some residents were verbally abusing the gardeners. RAC did not condone this behaviour, however, cannot ‘police’ these individuals. The only recourse RAC has is to cancel the membership of those individuals to the RA if suitable evidence is provided.
RAC commented that several areas were becoming overgrown with weeds and maintenance had dropped off. RL advised 2 gardeners had resigned and RL were recruiting.
RAC asked RL to consider a gardening club for residents with the opportunity to sponsor plants and trees and a memorial park. RL will consider.
- RAC requested a notice board on the park. RL will consider.
- RAC asked whether the ban for the 8 homeowners be lifted. RL will discuss with their directors.
- RL will not agree to Resident Association application packs being provided in new home packs. RAC will need to contact new homeowners direct.
- RL are in the process of creating a RL newsletter to send to all residents on the park. No timescales were given of when this might be issued.
8) Date of next meeting - RL to review diaries however proposal is for 22nd June 2022 at 2pm at RL Park Offices.
The Committee will endeavour to keep all residents updated as we receive further information from RoyaleLife.
For and on behalf of Sandy Bay Park Resident Committee
Andrew Gentry
31st May 2022