RoyaleLife Purchase of Sandy Bay Park Update - 27/04/2022

Dear All,

As you may be aware the SBPRA  Committee had its first meeting with RoyaleLife, the new park owners on Tuesday 26th April. Three members of the SBPRA Committee met with the RoyalLife Operations Director, Emma Smith.

The Committee had previously sent Emma a list of our questions, requiring her attention and response. Emma discussed several of these during the meeting and agreed to respond back to the SBPRA with further updates by the next meeting, scheduled for the 24th May, 2022.

The meeting was polite, positive in attitude, and a welcome change from the negative approach of the previous Sandy Bay Management.The SBPRA  Committee members were asked by Emma if we were willing to meet with her on a monthly basis, to discuss issues going forward and to supply feedback for her and our membership.

This was a very refreshing attitude from the park's new owners and hopefully will aid with cooperation in future.

The  SBPRA Committee has a policy of only reporting information that to the best of our knowledge has been checked and confirmed. To this effect we ask for your patience, while we await the agreement and the sign off of minutes taken by both parties at the meeting.  

As the SBPRA Committee has now established a mutually agreed contact path via Katie to Emma for all communications, we remind members not to go directly to the Sales Office in the future as they cannot assist with any issues.

The SBPRA Committee is attempting to build a working relationship with RoyaleLife for the benefit of all members so do not wish there to be any further unfortunate incidents with the Sales Office that may jeopardize this.

SBPRA Committee


13:43, 27 Apr 2022 by Kelvin Dimond